In this article, I would like to give a quick demo of how to code a basic AJAX function.
function ajaxfunction(arguments_if_any){ if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != "undefined"){ xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject){ xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } if (xmlHttp == null){ alert ("Browser does not support XMLHTTP Request"); return false; } var url; url = "/application-name/any-serverside-program"; url += "?name="+value; xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = callback-function-name;"GET", url, true); xmlHttp.send(null); return true; } function callback-function-name(){ if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 || xmlHttp.readyState=="complete"){ /* Stuff to do */ document.getElementById('id').innerHTML = xmlHttp.responseText; } }
- First the function 'ajaxfunction' is called during a particular event like clicking a div tag or others.
- It checks whether the browser is able to send and receive a XMLHttpRequest object through which asynchronous request and response is achieved.
- If the support is available, an asynchronous request is made to a server side script (php/JSP) and once the response is received a 'callbackfunction' is executed.
- The third parameter in the open() method, in this case true implies that async is turned ON.
- The send() method is useful if we are using POST method - we can send large information using it. Example:- xmlHttp.send("fname=Athi&lname=Ruban");
- To assign a stream of HTML from a server output to a div tag we use InnerHtml property.